Senin, 21 Oktober 2013



Synopsis :

There were two person in a small coffee shop. Another two customers arrived. 

"5 Coffees. 2 For us, 3 Pending" They paid the 5, but they only got 2.

"What's pending coffee?" asked the the person who arrived first.
"Wait and See." 

More customers arrived. Two girls got their coffees, and they paid normally.
After a while, 3 lawyers ask for 7 coffees. They only drank 3 but they paid for the 7. While the two first person talking each other, a poor man enters the shop with a soft voice asked 

"Do you have any pending coffee?"

This type of charity was born in Napoli (Naples, Italy). People pay in anticipation for the coffees and even meals fo others who can't.

Analysis :

Theme: Sharing
This story is telling us about sharing to unfortunate people and others who needs.

The story begin with people in a small coffee shop and wondering about "pendding coffee" until a poor man enters the shop to ask about the "pendding coffee". Therefore, i can conclude that this type of the plot is forward.


  • Two Unknown people
  • Two Customers
  • Two Girls
  • Three Lawyers
  • A poor man

Place : Small Coffee Shop
Atmoshpere : Lovely and really touching the heart. 
Time : Not Mentioned

Moral Value
Let us the fortunate people to share with unfortunate people. It doesnt have to be a big things because a small things can be useful to others who needs.

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