This story will warm you better than a coffee in a cold winter day:
We enter a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine and give our order. While we’re approaching our table two people come in and they go to the counter -
They pay for their order, take the two and leave. I ask my friend:
‘What are those ‘pending’ coffees ?’
‘Wait for it and you will see’
Some more people enter.
Two girls ask for one coffee each, pay and go.
After a while, three lawyers ask for seven coffees. They only drink three, but paid for the seven.
While I still wonder what’s the deal with those ‘pending’ coffees I enjoy the sunny weather and the beautiful view towards the square in front of the cafĂ©.
Suddenly a man dressed in shabby clothes who looks like a beggar comes in through the door and kindly asks
‘Do you have a pending coffee ?’
It’s simple – people pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who can not afford a warm beverage. The tradition with the pending coffees started in Naples, but it has spread all over the world and in some places you can order not only a pending coffee, but also a sandwich or a whole meal.
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