Senin, 09 September 2013


My teacher ask me to write a couple things about my self. Well, i dont really wanna judge my self, honestly. But, it's not a bad thing if we learn to know ourself more, right? 

At first, let me introduce my self. My name is Lovanda Claudia Anastasya Sebayang, but you can call me Lovy or Lova. Right now, I am in the eleventh grade of 3 High School Bandung. Officialy, i came from Serang, but i have moved to this town  last year. I'm proud of my self and i don't wanna be anyone else. 

First, i want to start it with my weakness. Yes, i am short. I dont wanna tell you my height but i think i'm short. It make me frustate everytime i see girls with long legs and porporsional body. It exactly my weakness and im trying to do some exercise for make it better. Guess what? Maybe God has another plan with my size. I only getting taller 1-2 cm. But i still thankful for my ability to wear higheels for a long time.

My second weakness is my emotion controler. Its really hard to keep smile and be patient when people around you cant understand what you feel at that time. Sometimes you feel panic but nobody can understand the bad things that will happend in your life. Well, sometimes i can become more histerycal and lose myself somewhere. I learn to calm down and start thinking the positive side. IT WORKS! This emotion controler make me insomnia because i cant sleep with this "thinking time" in my brain for couple night. 

My third weakness is hard to remember name. Its kind of genetic problem from my father. Im not really easy to remember name because i dont learn with words. I learn with visual. So, its easy for me to remember the face. If i start smiling to that person, it means i have met him/her before. Because of that weakness, for this new class i start to remember all of my friend with close my eyes, remember their face, and calling his name in my heart. Hahaha! Guess what ? When i opened my eyes, those names were blank, again. 

Its enough for my weakness. Its time for my strenght. Be ready and i promise to tell the truth. Trust me for this time about my self. Yes, trust me.

I like to tell my strenght with my unique. Well, some people around the world said that i had an indian face. To be clarified, im batakneese. I want to tell you one of my funny story. I was in "Pasar Baru" at Jekardah. You know that most people in there are textile seller. And most of textile seller are Indian. When i came to the store, he was asking me with indian language. I answered, "Sorry, im Indonesian." The same story happened in International Changi Airport, Singapore. But i tell you for the second time. Im Indonesian and Batakneese. 

My second strenght is easy going. Its not really hard to adapt my self in the new hood. I like to talk and some people like the way i tell the story. I dont know, maybe i have a passion to tell every story in my life and make it interesting, not just for me but of course for everyone else. I like to make a comfort atmosphere in my life. Its bother me when i see someone do something silly just for make sense, for example scream out loud at the class or dance with freak movement.

My third strenght is my voice. Some people said i had a grove and attractive voice. Well, for this strenght, please visit my youtube account @lovandaa. I have made nine songs in my life because I LOVE MUSIC. One of my song is Cause You Are. You also can see that on the below. Happy Watching!

What am i wanna be? Well, i wanna be an entertainer. I love to sing, so i hope i can be a singer. I also love to speak in front of the people. I hope that i also can be presenter or something like that. Then, i love to motivate my friends. It feels happy when you can help your friend's problem.

Thats all about my self. Im really sorry for the mistake and see you soon in another post only on my officialy blog :

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